Bill of Rights
“Where is it
Mr. Madison?
Where is the listing of inalienable rights such as the freedom of
the press to speak without government influence, the freedom of the sundry
faiths in our country to practice each as they see fit? You yourself have fought
recently with the utmost vigor in defense of this in your remonstrance against the
bill introduced in the Assembly of Virginia to levy a general assessment for
the support of teachers of religions. Why are you silent? The blood spilt in
the recent revolution must not be in vain sir. We cannot allow, we cannot
approve a constitution that refrains from the specific guarantees that so
valiantly motivated our cause. “

Pausing with
deep reflection Madison continued, “Robert, you have argued concerning the size
of our proposed republic, the executive branch, the judiciary, the borrowing of
money, and a Bill of Rights both now and in the future as unsustainable all
grounded upon essentially one assertion. The nature of man. You lack faith in
the future and lack faith in the goodness of man.

Our proposed
Constitution is the right one Robert and at the right time.”
Madison said “If you must then a Bill of Rights you shall have. May future
generations note my warning.”
“Are we
agreed then?”
said Robert Yates as he extended his hand.
Thus began the American Constitution.
Federalist #84 Brutus #8,12
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